Monday, September 23, 2013

What? Not bored yet?

I think I would be. This tale (trail)  has a few too many ups and downs to be believable if you ask me.

Well, where did I leave you? I was at Tim Horten's for coffee and wifi this morning after being told by the head mechanic at CT that my problem was a body shop or VW problem and that even if he would (which he wouldn't) he didn't have any of the right tools to work on my door latches.

So off I went into the short wild blue yonder to the US entry point just beyond St. Stephen. That went well and they let Bobby back in the states. Whew!  So I started driving toward Bangor where I was told there is a VW dealer and shop.

When I eventually saw the signs for Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor, I thought — Yeh! I need a little something special in my life right about now. Let's go. So we turned left and before I knew it I was pulling into the lot for the National Park's visitor center. They were very helpful and told me of a place I could have lunch at a price I could afford in Bar Harbor. So I went outside and pulled on the "house" door and guess what? That which had never yet happened in all of this saga  ........... happened. It was also locked no matter what I did with that big fancy key. I had left the driver side window partially open (at the suggestion of the head mechanic) and I reached in and tried to open it from inside — which usually works — but no, not now. And there is Bobby inside, looking happy to see me and oh, so trusting...... So, I went back in and talked to the rangers whom I had already shared my earlier lock frolics with, and they said I could use their complimentary phone to call AAA. After (really) almost 20-25 minutes the very nice man who said he'd had VWs all his life and they ran great but this stuff happens all the time..........he finally figured out where I was. I should have asked, and usually do, but didn't ask, where he was. ( Just out of curiosity, right?) So he gives me the usual spiel about possibly waiting for 45 minutes and I go outside to see how Bobby is doing on the other side of the partially open glass window.

Then I started remembering one of the several good Samaritans who helped me finally get the passenger door closed after another man managed to get it open (but he left before he knew it now wouldn't actually close. All of this back in St. Stephen.  ARE YOU STILL WITH ME?  I doubt I would be. Anyway, I thought about the fact that one of them had accomplished his particular miracle by fiddling with the supplementary key and using it in the keyhole. What a concept! So I thought, well I'll just give that a try, and I did. Lo and behold, it caused the button on the driver and passenger side to go up, I reached in through my cleverly left  partially open window and opened the driver's door from the inside. That was MY miracle. So I went back inside, asked to use the phone again and called AAA. Wasn't the same man but, yes, he could see all about it on his screen. Such a private life we live these days. But I was happy for everything at that moment and suddenly remembered about Sachiyo giving me $10 to please buy myself a lifetime Sr. Park pass as a going away gift. ( In addition to the books and workshop notes she also gave me). They wouldn't let her do it. It has to be you and you have to be at a park to do it. So I did. And I said I was doing it there because they had been so nice and helpful, etc., etc., etc. Believe it or not, my clever new system worked again and Bobby and I drove off to Bar Harbor. Wowy! What a plush place that is. I drove  the park loop drive just for a change and discovered when I was back in town that there was actually no place to park (no busses RV etc. signs everywhere). So we managed to get out of there without destroying anything precious and headed back a ways. We found a "Charter Cafe" on the edge of a gorgeous little cove and I decided to have my lobster salad splurge there.  The nice waitress also gave me the name of the sweet RV camp just outside of Bangor where I'm staying tonight.

So, my dears, after that longwinded bit of news you can tell I am still OK. Or pretty much so. You know, I'm finding it's actually quite cathartic to spill the beans like this to my beloveds, kin and who knows who else. It does me good, as they say.

At long last I read the Rialta manual again the other night in St. Stephen and discovered where the clean water tank is filled from. Can you believe it's taken me this long? So tomorrow morning I'm going to put a few gallons of potable water in it through this little opening and that will give me the luxury of having a little water on the run. Isn't that exciting? Just thought you'd like to know. Sleep well my darlings.

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