Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Elaine is Thriving

Elaine Working on The Last Stages of Her 
Black and White Tapestry Treasure
(Picture courtesy of Kissiah)

Elaine is aiming for a finish of her delightful weaving today.  It is scheduled to be in the Equinox show at Pacific Textile Arts in March. She is definitely riding high. Now she's planning to design a piece  of her great granddaughter fishing.This will celebrate the little one's fourth birthday and should be a good one. Elaine is excited because she can work with Yael on the design, which is a real treat. She is having a wondrous time here in  El Tuito and it's such fun to see her enjoying herself so much.

Art just wrote to me that he picked up three new birds right near the house at Primavera yesterday. He sounds pretty happy too and is planning on joining me for lunch some time this week. Our group meets for lunch at Mario's Patio every day and I've already found Art there eating with some other birders who were staying at Primavera.

Today is the day when I have scheduled myself to begin plumbing the creative well with my tapestry designing. So far I have spent time learning to draw some of my current favorite local birds. Then, yesterday I began working with some of the trickier Zapotec weaving images. Coming up with a creative way to join the two is the challenge I have set for today. I also will undoubtedly be hoping for some council from Yael, the master designer and painter. We are so fortunate to be here with her. I'm about to just start scribbling any of the ideas that come into my head. With luck the muse will creep in as it usually does. It amazes me that the process of creating something new eventually moves forward. It's a thrill and I depend on it happening. Somehow it almost always does.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Visit to Rancho Primavera

Fighting Over A Carrot

Five Different Orioles

The Funny Macaw On A Chair

San Blas Jay — All these pics Are From Bonnie's Collection of Happenings in Her Yard

Art is spending two weeks at Rancho Primavera, owned and run by our friends Bonnie and Pat. It is an exquisite place with a primary purpose of being a refuge for birds and birders. The right spot for Art, eh? One of our retreat members had a husband staying there for a few days and she joined him for several nights. I joined her, taking advantage of the free ride to the ranch. I spent several nights along with two breakfasts and a lovely dinner there with them. Art took me for an amazing bird walk this morning when I saw birds I've never seen before.

I discovered that Bonnie has an amazing file of pictures of her pet parrot, some gorgeous orioles, her fun and funny Macaw that chooses to spend her time at Primavera even though her wings aren't clipped and she is free to leave. — real feathered treasures.

We were scheduled to drive out to a favorite eating spot about six km from town' called Hacienda Divisidero. We've been there many times as a group and it was lovely to be there again. They specialize in barbecuing lamb and other tempting meats along with sea food. We always feel so welcomed there by the owner who is a friend of JP and Yael. Food and Margaritas were well received and Art enjoyed seeing the whole scene. We stopped on the way home to see some petroglyphs located quite near the Hacienda and then returned Art back to his bird paradise. I continued back to Casa Tejedora to be with the group.
We had a lovely soup a few hours later and I'm  preparing for my second week of working on tapestry designing. In the time I have left before the 10:00 pm deadline for closing the studio. The rest will be added tomorrow.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Lovely Fiesta at Casa Tehedora Last Night

In The Studio With JP

Casa Tejedora (Studio  — Upper /right)



Victoria and Pam


Elaine and Kissaih

Chayo made a superb pozole for a group sitting at seven tables on the lawn facing the porch which had been turned into a stage. Three good musicians and one charming young girl singing provided the entertainment. Just as everyone sat down a slim little sliver of a moon appeared above the house in the darkening sky. I really don't know how it could have been more perfect.

The group had worked steadily through the afternoon and seemed completely ready to party with the locals who had been invited. Most of them were old friends for me, and Art showed up with the group from Rancho Primavera. So I was a very happy camper.

Some of my housemates were so jazzed that they talked 'til midnight. — Telling their life stories to each other I hear. It all sounded very jovial.

That afternoon I took pictures of the group at work in the studio which I'll try to insert in this post. I've been having considerable problems with publishing my posts. I had to remove a picture of green parrots that I really wanted to share in an attempt to make the last one work. I'll try to slip it in another time.

At about 4:00 this afternoon many of us are leaving for Puerto Vallarta to take part in the "Art Walk."
That's always fun and some of us know one of the painters so I'm looking forward to it.

If you know someone in this group, this is your chance to see them at work.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

All's Well at Casa Tejedora

In El Tuito Plaza

El Tuito Plaza

Jenny Enjoying The Wait For Lunch 

We break for lunch at 1:00 when we walk to a marvelous little restaurant across from the Plaza in El Tuito. It's about a ten minute walk which gives us a nice little stretch. What is most wonderful about this retreat is that everything is new and yet everything is familiar. Memories of being with the same people with all the same familiar sites of this little town touch a warm spot in your heart. The food at Mario's is always a delight. So far; Chili rellenos and chicken mole. Fish fillet today, I hear. His seasonings are rich and full of nuance. The atmosphere is delightful — eating at a long table in the shade of a space facing a charming courtyard.  Birds with their cages open sing to us throughout the meal.

The weavings in the studio are progressing at a surprisingly rapid pace. Such fun to see. This is the first time I have been here with a plan to not weave but spend all my time designing. I'm learning to draw all my favorite local birds and hope next week to combine the birds with favorite Zapotec shapes. We'll see.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Grandma In The Southland

Green Parrots In Bamboo Near River Trail

Snowy Egrets With One Grackle

Little Tri-colored Heron 

Black Vultures on The River

Art Talking to Neireda; Kathy and Elena, Neireda Says Hello

Visitors to the Bay

What an Amazing Find at The Top of an Old Palm — A Laughing Falcon

My Favorite Little Guy On The River Trail — Look at Those Ears

Someone Should Write a Book About Bathrooms In Yelapa
Lagunitas Has The Most Creative I've Ever Seen — Each is Absolutely Unique

The View From This Year's Room

A Yelapa Taxi

Yes, first and foremost, I want to let the nietos know that Grandma is fine and having a great time in Mexico. Of course, my children and loyal or hopeful blog following friends are included in this greeting.

Yelapa was bursting with birds which pleased both Art and me. He actually added some new life birds to his list and I managed to learn to recognize more birds than heretofore. We had breakfast up the river near the walking bridge two different mornings. As we sat there, the first Egrits began to gather. Then, along came black Necked Stilts and a handsome White Ibis. The trees were bustling with black and yellow Caciques which kept flitting across the river from dense trees on the other side and back to a papaya tree just down river from the restaurant terrace. Soon we identified a Tropical King Bird which is a patient watcher for knats and other insects. Eventually there were two of them sitting on some high bamboo spires. They would flit off for a short period and then return to the same perch or very near to it. Cormorants and then Willits and Herons completed the morning's watch. Oh, I mustn't forget the huge whord of Black Vultures who took over the river spot for a few minutes. The Herons were terribly exciting because there was a Little Blue Heron, a Tricolored Heron, A Green Heron and later on the trail, four Yellow Eyed Night Herons.

Our five days in Yelapa were filled with explorations and relaxation. Dinners on the beach by candle light were just what the doctor ordered. Walking the trails along the Tuito River brought back many happy memories of being there with Kathy. It's a magical place. And, of course, it's over before the time seems right. Getting on and then off the boat at Yelapa and Puerto Vallarta is always a tricky moment and I'm happy when it goes well. Back in Vallarta along the beach front and eating a late lunch while watching the world walk by is a special experience. The weather was fantastic and we were all in one piece. What more can one ask for.

We're all leaving for a walk to the plaza in El Tuito for lunch at Patio de Mario. So, back with more after lunch.  — Lunch was delicious and full of surprises. The minute I walked into the columned area next to the courtyard in front of our usual group table, I spied Art's smiling face as he sat at a table with other birders. They were eating "Swiss enchiladas" that looked very inviting. He seemed happy as could be about the birding they had been involved in during the morning in some hills just north of the Rancho Primavera where he is staying. We had a short visit and introductions before the food began being delivered to my table. So I was off to have chicken mole that was a perfect balance of piquante and mild.

We're all back at our work tables now and I'm determined to get this blog under way after all the promises to do so.

We're now at Casa Tejedora, Jean Pierre and Yaels' home during the winter. The group is made up of prior members of a group who have been coming here for tapestry weavers' retreat for over about 14 or 15 years. Many old friends including Pam Patrie from Oregon who is cooking wonderful meals for us  and weaving in her "spare" time. Breakfast is in the main room and dinner is out on the porch. All of us have been here before at least once so there is a warm, familiar feeling about it for everyone. My computer is functioning but almost out of charge. Better than Yelapa where wifi was not at its best this year and not working at all in our rooms. So I'm beginning in earnest now and hope to stay in touch throughout this stay and my time in Oaxaca during February. Back with some pics when there is more charge.