Saturday, October 12, 2013

Whiling Away A Saturday

Regal Libby

They love to pose

They seem to like everything including coffee

I am so chomping at the bit to get going that any distraction is a welcome way to pass the hours. That doesn't sound like the usual Jackie who never feels there are enough hours in a day to accomplish what she'd like to do. I've done almost (one thing left) all the mending I could do with what I have carried away from the Rialta. And I walk Bobby at least three times a day.

Today Anne and I met three of her friends for a quickie lunch and then a movie titled, "Enough said." It starred a rather heavy set man who starred on the Sopranos and whose name I can't remember and certainly couldn't spell. He was superb and the movie is worth seeing. Very sweet. It helped fill the day. We went to do a little shopping on the way home after which I spent time in the back yard with Bobby while Anne made us a wonderful dinner with pork chops laced in the center with pesto. A baked sweet potato, caramelized onions and beautiful green beans completed the feast. Bobby has fallen in love with the wolfhounds' food. It's a brown rice and chicken kibble with all kinds of goodies added but no corn.  Anne looked up sources for me and found that Fort Bragg Feed carries it. So, Bob, as soon as we get home, the good stuff you shall have.

Anne's dogs continue to amuse me so I'm posting three of her pictures of them tonight for your enjoyment. A sister of Libby (the female) just won a big championship so we're living with royalty at this moment. Hope you enjoy the pictures of the new objects of my affection.

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