Sunday, January 25, 2015

Visit to Rancho Primavera

Fighting Over A Carrot

Five Different Orioles

The Funny Macaw On A Chair

San Blas Jay — All these pics Are From Bonnie's Collection of Happenings in Her Yard

Art is spending two weeks at Rancho Primavera, owned and run by our friends Bonnie and Pat. It is an exquisite place with a primary purpose of being a refuge for birds and birders. The right spot for Art, eh? One of our retreat members had a husband staying there for a few days and she joined him for several nights. I joined her, taking advantage of the free ride to the ranch. I spent several nights along with two breakfasts and a lovely dinner there with them. Art took me for an amazing bird walk this morning when I saw birds I've never seen before.

I discovered that Bonnie has an amazing file of pictures of her pet parrot, some gorgeous orioles, her fun and funny Macaw that chooses to spend her time at Primavera even though her wings aren't clipped and she is free to leave. — real feathered treasures.

We were scheduled to drive out to a favorite eating spot about six km from town' called Hacienda Divisidero. We've been there many times as a group and it was lovely to be there again. They specialize in barbecuing lamb and other tempting meats along with sea food. We always feel so welcomed there by the owner who is a friend of JP and Yael. Food and Margaritas were well received and Art enjoyed seeing the whole scene. We stopped on the way home to see some petroglyphs located quite near the Hacienda and then returned Art back to his bird paradise. I continued back to Casa Tejedora to be with the group.
We had a lovely soup a few hours later and I'm  preparing for my second week of working on tapestry designing. In the time I have left before the 10:00 pm deadline for closing the studio. The rest will be added tomorrow.

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