Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 2, 2012

Welcome to my new platform. The photos shown above are scenes from a wonderful exhibit mounted by sculptor, Ann Hedges, of San Francisco and Fort Bragg. It delights me to be able to express my feelings about such events when the spirit moves me. Definitely does me good. This collection in the fairly new gallery at the north end of town has definitely found it's best possible venue. The room is open, sparse, and doesn't impose anything on Ann's delightful assemblages. I need to run now but I'll have a few thoughts to share with you about this show in the next few days. There will be a second First Friday opening there this Friday night. It's definitely refreshing and worth being seen.

Happy to be here. Back soon.

Having a totally crazy Friday mixed with familly fiscal responsibilities and confusions. I thought about my hair appointment until about 11:00 and then spaced it and missed my 1:00 apointment. So sorry Cindy. Held three conference calls between myself and people who know what those crazy forms mean at my broker's and attorney's offices. There's a right place for everyone if you can just find it. I'm so glad I don't do what they do. Today I'm so glad I do what I do and don't have to do their jobs. Between these calls I dealt with the nice man who is trying to procure a little Realta RV for me. Nothing got settled from those talks. Enough of this.

I'm on my way down to Pacific Textile Arts to finish putting the labels on my contributions to the exhibit there of textiles from the collections of Jackie Wollenberg and Jill McCaughna. But before I go I must tell you where Ann Hedges' exciting exhibit is mounted. More about it tomorrow.

It's at a gallery called the Lost Coast Culture Machine located at 190 E Elm Street, Fort Bragg. As you enter the gallery there is a room to the left featuring a gorgeous video of coastal breakers and powerful waves. On the floor are two collections of bowling balls creatively arranged. Great over-dubs on the sound track featuring people involved in sport and the powerful breaking of waves. Good metaphors in a dozen directions if you stop and really look and listen. Great show, Ann. I must run to my own show so as not to miss it. It's that kind of day.


  1. Replies
    1. How nice to hear from you. I'll be in Tuito Feb.15,16.17 and Vallarta at Los Arcos 18-27, then in Yelapa Feb 27 - March 3. Hope I see you. xox Jackie
