Email from Elaine Todd:
I'm sad to relay this information, Dave from Lifetime Roofing came to PTA while I was attending the spinninggathering this morning. The results of the classroom
is the seam is pulling apart (Henry's patch job isn't working) and there are at least 200 holes from the ravens, and this could have been there when we bought the
modular. To replace the roof we are looking at about
$4800. I asked him to clear the gutters on the librarybuilding and there aren't any. There is a dip in the center of the roof where the water pools, the drain
that we see from below is roofed over so no water willfall into our water catchment system. This roof also
needs to be re-roofed but it needs to be built up so the water will run off the roof. This is upsetting that this wasn't detected before we spent the money on catching water from that roof. There is samples on the
desk in the office and literature Dave left with
us. He said he could give us a deal if we do both roofs at one time. Dave will put together an estimate for us listing the buildings separately. Nancy keeps
saying that we should have been informed and what recourse do we have from Fort Bragg Electric for not doingthe job correctly! When I asked about the raven
problem he suggested a sensor with a sprinkler system
that will chase the ravens away when they land.
So this is a brief description of our roof problems.
I'm sorry to have to report all this. Please share
your responses for all board members to discuss this
matter. Thank you.
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