Sunday, April 22, 2012

March 8, 2012  —  Trip home  (Sorry, but this was just found and gleaned from draft notebook long after the writing)

Home and the gone. The trip home was characterized by quick shopping spurts, fetching our stored luggage from Los Arcos, and a pleasant ride to the airport sprinkled with conversations about the changes in Vallarta with our driver, Ervin. The plane was declared to be two hours late with no explanation. Eventually Kathy's brother in law, John Shea, who was to be one of the pilots for our flight home, explained to us that problems had nothing to do with the state of the airplane (A very smooth Airbus), but the fact that United Airlines and Continental had chosen to complete their merge at 1:00 am that morning and had experienced strange and annoying computer glitches that managed to bring everything to a halt for some time. We were treated very nicely by the attendants and finished our ride with after dinner kaluha and creme even though there was no dinner served on that flight.

Larkin picked us up very promptly at the airport and after dropping John off at his apartment, we stopped at a late night pasta cafe and had delicious salads. Kathy and I drove that night to Marina Bay because we had a brunch date the next morning with family. Lovely to see them all and to get caught up a little on Mira's activities since she returned from being in Italy.

We moved on up the hill after a great breakfast to see Jenny's show at the Berkeley Art Center. I could have stayed all afternoon it is such a rich and captivating exhibition. I'm thrilled for her — and also so proud. I've heard that it has been declared by some to be the best we parted ways and both t show they've ever had there. Of course, there never is such a thing, but just to hear it said is lovely. Ths a beautifully matched three person show. I would urge anyone living within a reasonable distance to take it in before it closes and the end of March.

Kathy and I caravanned to Willits with a salad stop in Healdsberg. After filling our tanks in Willits at the Safeway station we parted ways and both had last hours winding separate ways home filled with thoughts of our time together as well as all the little things we needed to begin thinking about as we returned to our lives at home.

I've had two good swims since I returned but since the Star Aquatic Center is closed due to economic shortfalls, the lanes at the health club are filled to the brim. The good news is that the people ofFort Brag just voted to their sales tax to cover reopening and maintaining the Center under the control of the city. The pool is scheduled to open some time in June or July. That will be a big relief  to all concerned.

I came home to a huge pile of t and mail and managed to do a first and second sorting before taking Bobby for a long ride back to Marina Bay Wednesday afternoon The reason being that Sachiyo had bought tickets to se Garrison Keellor at Zellerbach Hall. After dropping Bobby off and feeding him I picked Sachiyo up and we searched for parking. Had dinner at a great little Japanese Tapa style restaurant on Telegraph Avenue. Then we did a fast walk to Zellerbach, reaching our seats just in the nick of time for two and a half hours of spellbinding stories by the master of the craft, with well timed drifts into song both alone and sometimes with a charming. long legged beauty who often sings with him on Prairie Home Companion. It was definitely worth driving bak down here for this performance. Heard nothing but awestruck raves as we walked out into the cool, Berkeley evening.

Post script: Just before leaving the hall, we made our way to the balcony lady's room. Funny comments and conversations reminded me so much of nights waiting in similar lines at Berkeley Rep. In those days, I vowed that some day I'd write a one act play taking place in such a line with all the feet showing behind the short door stalls. Such a wealth of visual moments and one liners. Who knows, if I don't write it, someone else might. — May I will.

Pictured below: Remembering the view from #5, our room on the beach in Yelapa.

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