Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012  — Much water under the bridge

I've finally hit the high mark for non-communicating, I think. Everything moving at a rapid pace. Events, obligations, promises. That's life — sometimes. i'm a huge believer in pacing one's self so I mean to slow down. Actually I give myself some special quiet moments  each day.

I've been working hard try to meet all the demands of the city and county to final our building project at Pacific Textile Arts. The ADA requirements for handicap parking top the list for being complicated and difficult to be in compliance. We've finally reached an agreement allowing us to do it our way for a five year period. Then we have agreed to somehow make adjustments that will better satisfy the City's idea of what is required. Whew! 

We held our annual "Feather in the Cap " dinner last night in the new weaving studio. We honored Fernando and Francisco Diaz for their always good natured work at PTA. Karen Inwood found hats that were perfect and she placed lovely new turkey feathers in them before they were presented………Food was as tasty and creative as ever. The joy of holding this event in our own space was palpable. Mary Zicafoos had just finished teaching here class at MAC and came to the party with Richard Kilday. Such fun to have her and the Diaz family there with us for dinner and the mini auction, which had its usual mirthful moments.

I'm going to join the boule group in Mendocino no matter what happens today. It's a beautiful day. Blue sky, sun, slight breeze. Perfect for a trip to Mendocino Village.

What's ahead soon? Should complete a Pacific Textile Arts newsletter by the end of the week. Award a scholarship at the college on Thursday and receive a visit from Maj-Britt Mobrand. She's giving a lecture for the guild on Saturday and will help me to solve some of the assembly mysteries for our Glimakra looms on Friday.

Plans are moving ahead for hosting some weaver friends from Oaxaca at the Taurus Party in May. I'm really looking forward to their visit. Jean Pierre and Yael are bring another Zapotec weaver friend to the party. Fun to think of all the good conversations. 

This year we'll celebrate good health and longevity. I doubt I'll ever adapt to the idea of chronological age because I don't feel a day over sixty. But I'll definitely celebrate my good fortune despite what the numbers say. They simply don't matter to me anymore.

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