Monday, October 6, 2014

Home Is A Beautiful Place

Stellers Jay with Band tail friend

                                                                Home is not just for me

This was a joyful trip driving to Moscow, Idaho with Jean Pierre and Yael. We indulged in as many out of the way side trips as possible given our schedule constraints. I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Separating from them after our visit to Sarah Swett and her husband Dan was something my psyche took full notice of as I spent my first day driving away from that sweet university town with all the friendly people and weaverly friends.

But the leaving was necessary because I am hosting the Kumihimo Festival 2014 in my studio in just two weeks.

I'd like to return to some of the details along the way in a few days, but want now to make sure that everyone knows I am home and happy to be so. I arrived yesterday afternoon, just in time to attend a stunning jazz concert in Mendocino featuring John Gilmore and Friends.  Paul McCanlace played with them and I purchased one of his CDs. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing it this morning as I sat by my kitchen window and watched the Oregon Junko at my feeder just a few feet from the window.

As I said, I'm so happy I was able to follow JP and Yael to Moscow. But I'm also thrilled to return safely to my clearing in the forest. Those of us who love where we live are fortunate beyond words. I am one of those people and I give a huge thanks to those gods and godesses who ushered me back from Idaho through such amazing country and helped me to arrive here in time for good music and all in one piece. Come back for a bit more later this evening.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Turning Around Today

This will be just a little intro message with something to follow this evening. I'll be leaving Moscow this morning after going out to a favorite haunt of Sarah's this morning with Sarah, her husband, Dan, JP and Yael. Then the Larochettes will play tennis with someone they met at yesterday's book presentation and I will start my journey back toward Portland.

Moscow is a charming university town of about 20,000 people. Quite an oasis after the arid country you go through to get here. I talked with a woman yesterday who moved away, tried the outer world and now has happily moved back. So it's one of those kinds of places.

I'll try to buy a new flash card reader so I can progress with getting the pics off of my cameras. Then, hopefully, some photos for this blog.  Finally!

I'm off to take Bobby for a short walk before our breakfast, then on the road. Have a good day all. Talk later.

Wow! I just turned off my personal hot spot after sending a message to Larkin and now returned to the open blog with no wifi. I'm learning something new every day. A friend of Sarah's helped me a bit with the iphone yesterday at JP and Yael's presentation. Really appreciated that. I'm discovering many ways to save battery and still get something done.

The Larochettes are on their way to Banff and Lake Louise and I'm less than two hours from Portland. I had such a good time seeing Sarah and meeting Dan. Hated to leave Moscow. I felt totally comfortable there and wouldn't mind returning some day.

The drive from Moscow to Lewiston was surprisingly beautiful. The hills coming out of Moscow are voluptuous. The turning of the soil by huge ag machines creates gorgeous patterns along with the striking color changes between different sections of  tilled land. I could hardly take my eyes off of some of the rolling and turning lines. Every color of golden beige and brown to almost black and then suddenly an emerald green section, sometimes dotted with perfectly groomed black faced sheep. Too delicious!

So I had a great ride to the mighty rivers. where the Snake and the Columbia create an inland harbor. I stopped at a grand vista spot overlooking the river and Lewiston and Clarkston.  Didn't dare take that scenic way down because of all the warnings. So I drove back up to the newer main highway and made the descent mostly in second gear. Quite a drop. No less than five "out of control" truck turnoffs. I was happy to reach the bottom safely and loved seeing the whole scene at the bottom.

I ate a late lunch in Clarkston at a wonderfully old fashioned drug store with a cafe and soda fountain at the back. I had a cup of delicious tortilla soup (mostly beans) and a very nice spinach salad with bacon and water chestnuts and a sliced boiled egg on top.  My waitress asked where I was headed. ( I'm obviously not one of her many known regulars). By  the time I was leaving I had received at least three fond farewells and learned where the staplers, restroom and cashier were located. All that from my new friend, Janet. And, I was treated to the overhearing of at least three separate conversations among the locals. I relish that. Somehow it gives me a huge dose of what a place is really all about. When I returned to the Rialta I walked Bobby and ate a couple of Sarah's yummy little plums and was on my way.    

Now we'll see if I can quickly rev up that phone hot spot one more time and connect this post to the server.  Hope it works. Love to all.