Spring is here |
Do you ever have "fix it" kind of weeks? That's what this one has turned out to be. My hot water heater began the parade. I was in the middle of a nice shower Monday morning and then I realized the water was getting cooler and cooler until it was barely luke warm. I called Mark and it didn't take him long to find out that the pilot was out. Before I knew it I had nice hot water. The next day the same thing happened and I called Mark again. It needed a new thermocouple, of course. By afternoon he was installing a whole new kit. Quick hot water again and this time it continued. But before Mark left I thought to tell him about the strange "fragrance" I had recently noticed each time I entered my bathroom. So we went upstairs and began the inspection. The first analysis caused the sink trap and adjacent pipes to be opened up. Not a pretty picture. But also no sign evidence of the strange "fragrance." I took all the pipe parts down to the kitchen and gave them the clorox treatment. Pipes put back in place — still the strange "fragrance." I suggested we look at the board on which the tiles were placed. Seemed OK. Then Mark placed his utility light below the sink and as I looked at the edge of the sink from above, I could see light coming up in several places around the edge of the sink from below. So a new, more aggressive plan was begun. At the very first shove of the sink, it moved off its center and revealed the edge of the tiles on one side. Didn't look good. So Mark disconnected the pipes and carried the sink out to my upstairs porch. It seemed that the sink had been put in place with nothing to hold it in place or seal it. Took twenty years to discover that. Anyway, I spent a few hours scouring the whole area of its unwanted substances and Mark said we should let it all dry out for a day or two. I came home this afternoon to a completely reinstalled sink (with sealer) and it's beautifully done. Second fix checked off.
Last night when I was working away on the Pacific Textile Arts newsletter using InDesign for my layout, I suddenly began to have trouble saving or using "file." Then the doc disappeared and the menu bar above the screen came and went. Then half of the icons on the screen went away. This didn't produce a very good gut feeling. I quickly tried and succeeded in making a copy of PTA's membership list but when I tried to add another field to include email addresses, the whole thing disappeared. More serious gut feeling. I did all the usual turning things off and on to no avail. I had just installed a new printer because my wonderful old work horse Brother lazar printer had taken a permanent plunge just before I left for Mexico. Of course all of this is happening just as we really need to get a newsletter in the mail. I'm determined not to panic and have a home visit scheduled with Sage tomorrow afternoon. He is the best on the coast and I'm praying that he'll be able to rescue my files at the least and save my computer if that's what the Gods wish to happen. So, another delay in the NL department.
I've spent most of today going between the Planning Department and the Building Department working out permit details and filing for a new permit to cover the arbor we are building in the PTA courtyard. Lots of little fixits needed. Suddenly our wonderful builder, Greg Tregoning has a one week window of opportunity to race ahead and build the arbor next week. After waiting nearly six months to get one little patch of paving done this winter, it's a complete switch to need to jump through the hoops to satisfy all the requirements in no time. Fortunately I had been told that we would need special plans and engineering calcs for this job and I managed to get that done just before I left for Mexico City. This is all very exciting but there are still more hoops regarding the handicap parking requirements to be dealt with. I'm determined to take it all one hour at a time and come out at the other end with a beautiful arbor that might actually be completed by the end of next week. Truly a feast or a famine.
That's probably enough "fixit" details for one night. Suffice it to say that you're getting off easy. There are more. I'll spare you and get off the subject. April is going to be an interesting time for PTA. Our annual "Feather In The Hat dinner" is scheduled for April -- and Pam Patrie and Trudie ----- are coming to be with us. Then, before we know it, May will be upon us. Taurus party, Mary Zicafoose teaching ikat for tapestry and India teaching natural dyeing. All good, all with details yet to be dealt with.
Yes, I do keep busy, but I go to the Senior Center salad bar each day and steal time to read every morning and evening. Just finished "Proof of Heaven'" I'm reading some other "out of body experience" things now and becoming more and more fascinated with other states of being. But some of the language that is used in Alexander's book and other related titles from his bibio leave me still feeling that I'm slightly out of my comfort zone. Anyone out there have any thoughts about these books and their revelations? I'd love it if you'd email me with your thoughts. I'm taking a break from that and just began another "prepare forVenice" mystery by Dona Leon. They are definitely a tonic and great for getting a taste of the neighborhood before I leave for Italy in June. I'm posting this now without much spell check. Hope you can stand it.