Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I've been on several single track modes over the last several months. The usual obsessive work toward finishing our building project of creating a little campus at Pacific Textile Arts moves steadily ahead. Though we haven't formally received our final inspection, we have held our first rummage sale and it yielded enough to keep us afloat. We held the first small class in the large classroom several weeks ago. Sandra Lindstrom shared her secrets for making the gorgeous embroidered needle books that she sells at North Coast Artists gallery. In the process, the class also learned to dye silk ribbon and perform a small selection of embroidery stitches with both yarn and ribbon in order to adorn the covers of their books with lovely little flowers and leaves. This was a very productive first class and we owe thanks to Sandra for all her effort and expertise.

Last week we held our first actual weaving workshop. Four days with Mary Zicafoose were spent learning the basics of ikat dyeing for tapestry and rugs and then proceeded to weave our newly dyed warps on five front row looms in our new classroom. What a joy it was in every way. Mary is a superb teacher and an inspiration in oh, so many ways. It couldn't have been a better way to inaugurate the room and our impressive collection of small and medium sized looms accumulated over the years.

In the next several days I will attach some pictures of these two classes to complete the picture. I'm just forging ahead with sharing a few words with the airways right now because I can't stand the much too long hayatis from sharing my thoughts with you. Whoever you are. I know now that it's important to my health and my very being to just write and share at least several times each week and I'm vowing to do it more regularly.

Several textile events came and went during my silence. Convergence in Long Beach took place and I actually had a great time. I took two workshops. One with Terry Flynne using Braiders Hand's new core device to enhance Rodrick's introduction to core braiding. That went well and I learned a lot but still haven't been back to the city to retrieve my braiding equipment and table loom which Richard Sutherland and Michael Hattori so kindly transported by car for me. I hope to spend a weekend in the city soon to retrieve them. Thank you for your patience, Richard.

Before going to Convergence I drove Highway 20 to Immigrant Gap and on to Echo Lake to deposit Bobby with his much loved Cayotes (Kathy and gang) who first brought him over the Mexico/California border to live in the north country.  Then, after Convergence I spent six days at Echo and then brought Bobby back to his coastal paradise.

I'm off to a meeting and will continue later. Much love to all of you.